This and That

Theodore’s thesis on thematic theater, (you see where this is going, right?) was received by the Theatergoers Theatrical Society with thunderous applause. The New York Thimes (did I do that?) thanked their loyal readers for their thorough perusal of the thesis. “A new theatrical threshold had been reached; one that would threaten to thwart the thoughtful theories regarding Three Penny Operas. Theaters set their thermostats down, anticipating the arrival of thirteen thespians from nearby Thessalonica, who would arrive at three o’clock. A thick throng of thermodynamic theorists, arriving on the wrong tour bus, threaded their way through the crowd.

Thousands of thoroughly thoughtful fans, fought with thugs wearing thunderbolt T-shirts that they themselves had purchased from thieves on the corner. Thefts had occurred in the theater lobbies; first popcorn, then jujube’s, prompting police to theorize that these thieves thought nothing about taking the property of others. Thenceforth, theologians began thinking about thrashing the nearby thorn thickets to determine if the thieves; who had been traveling in threesomes, might throng up at a later time.

Threading their way down the thoroughfare, through those pesky thorns, the thugs in their thunderbolt shirts, thumbed a ride with some throwbacks of that T shirt thrift store. Throttle to the floorboard, they thrust themselves, and sometimes their selves, toward the theater to get more loot. The thieves were using Thigh Masters to stay in shape, for the thankless task of thawing the hearts, of those that thought the theater was under siege. Thornier issues were at stake however; thunder clouds were gathering, and threatening to thump the thieves. If necessary, thumbscrews could be applied to those thickheaded theatrically disposed ticketholders. More than three, but less than thirty theorists, met with their therapists on Thursdays with a thermos of coffee, to watch the eagles ride the thermals.

Kings left their thrones to join the throngs that thought that thoroughbreds, could thrall the thousands of spectators who were thrashing around, waiting for the race. The thought of thoroughbreds going through these thoroughfares, could thaw the hardest of hearts. Thyme after thyme, (ooh, that’s so bad) the thoroughbreds thundered around the track, thrusting near the thorn less thorn bushes, and throwing themselves thru thick thistles toward the finish line. A group of thinly disguised, thirtyish looking thimble makers, wearing thick lensed thirdhand reading glasses, thoughtlessly took bets; using thingamajig’s to keep track of the odds. Three things became obvious; deep thinkers thought that the thirst for theories would never end; thespians with thermoelectricity backgrounds posed the biggest threat to a full house in the theaters; and finally, that therapy had always lacked a thorax. Thiamin was used extensively to thwart the threat of thermonuclear thermostat adjusters, whose theology thereto was confounding theoretic theory. Besides that, the theatergoers were preparing for Thanksgiving, a major event featuring of course, the Thanksgiving thurkey (you’ll get over it.) Thankful throngs from this away and thataway drew nigh for the thumb wrestling tournament and the annual Thunderbird flyover. As thrifty thrill seekers crossed the threshold, their throats filled with song; they were joined by threesomes of thankful thumb suckers, who thrived on Third World imports of thingamajigs. They gave thanks for the theater thespians that they themselves would think about being more thorough while searching for a theme.