The Ultimate Put Down

Back in the 1960s, George S Kaufman was one of three panelists on a TV show called “This is Show Business”. Entertainers would perform and then tell the panel their problems. A young singer (looking about 16) named Eddie Fisher complained about not getting dates with showgirls, because he looked so young. George S Kaufman was first up, and he began his reply in a measured pace. “Mr. Fisher, on Mount Wilson there is a telescope. A powerful telescope that has made it possible to magnify the distant stars to approximately 12 times the magnification of any previous telescope.” PAUSE

“And, Mr. Fisher, atop Mount Palomar sits and more recently perfected telescope. This magnificent optical instrument can magnify the stars up to six times the magnification of the Mount Wilson telescope.”


“As probable as it would doubtless be, if you could somehow contrive to place the Mount Wilson telescope inside the Mount Palomar telescope, Mr. Fisher….. You still wouldn’t be able to see any trace of my interest in your problem.”

Pandemonium reigned in the audience!

“And, Mr. Fisher, atop Mount Palomar sits and more recently perfected telescope. This magnificent optical instrument can magnify the stars up to six times the magnification of the Mount Wilson telescope.”


“As probable as it would doubtless be, if you could somehow contrive to place the Mount Wilson telescope inside the Mount Palomar telescope, Mr. Fisher….. You still wouldn’t be able to see any trace of my interest in your problem.”

Pandemonium reigned in the audience!