The Rebecca Rebach Story – I’ve been REpoed!

(Read aloud for maximum effect.)

At 3 am, they took my Buick Regal out of the driveway! My initial reaction was revulsion! The car’s transmission was in remission, the brakes relined, the tires recapped, and the seats reupholstered. I had just been readmitted to the remedial class dedicated to reclassifying video recordings of recidivists who were returning to prison. My recommitment helped me to recognize and rededicate my efforts in removing the restraints against rebuilding a renewed attitude about rehabilitating the prison returnees.

My renowned attorney, Rex Rebar, related to me his recipe for rebuffing the critics, who recited regurgitations against my renewed efforts to reevaluate and realign the program. He redoubled his efforts to reveal the reasons behind reestimating his fee, which was reformulated by rectifying and recalibrating my cash reserves. I reflected on rehashing Rex’s desire to reline his pockets by reducing my reinvestments in oil reservoirs.

Reasserting my renewed vigor toward refocusing on rebounding, reclassifying, and redeploying my future, I recalled with regret the results of refortifying my diet with reconstituted foods. The coupon rebates recouped the redundancies in my dietary regimen to reduce my acid reflux, thereby reassuring me of a relaxing night of rest in the recliner.

Feeling renewed by the reappearance of the morning sun, i remembered to call my boyfriend, Renaldo. The night before, we had reinvented the renewal of our relationship, by reenergizing and reformulating the rebound that helped recirculate our refreshed reconnection to each other. Renaldo had been recommended by Redolfo, a recovering real estate representative from region six where I resided. They were related by a remarriage that reconsolidated two repatriated families.

My family doctor, a resident physician, after reexamining my reflex reliability, reaffirmed his suspicions of a recurring, rebellious, reinflammation of my thumb. I recoiled at those results and regaled the resident about the reappearance of this repulsive reference on my left hand. His reinterpretations regarding the revisit of this growth reinforced my reluctance to remodify recommendations for its removal.

I am moving, relocating to a remote, remodeled log cabin, off the reservation, but relatively near the reforested redwood trees. Once there, a reunion of my relatives would give a rebirth, and hopefully reconstitute a renewed family dynamic. My cousin oversaw refreshments and recipes, in the hope of reviving a more reflective attitude, revolving around recapturing the reawakened deep recesses of our relationships. At supper that evening, I refloated my recycled and rekindled hopes for a review of Regina and Reginald; the two recalcitrant cousins. Remus refused to revote, so the outcome was regarded as a rejection to revalidate my position as regent; thereby recklessly recruiting other redundant possibilities.

   Unpaid taxes?!?!    I remember remitting a check to the revenue service that reflected the renumeration that had been requested! I regarded this referral of debt on my part, as a rebuff of my reconstituted reformulated bottom-line figures. Must I recite again, my revulsion of taxation without representation? Who will respond with a rebuttal to these reckless rejoinders?!?

                                                                                    Respectfully yours,
