Sink the Bismarck

I began to unwrap the unused uniforms that had been unearthed during the unarmed phase of operation, “Unmask the Unruly.” Uncle Sam had unleashed an ungodly assault to unthrone the unstable units of the underdog Army. Without uniforms to unbutton and underwear going unworn; these underpaid misfits were unsteady even on their best day. The men were uncoated and unbooted, and relied upon the Unitarians to be unbiased about aiding these unkosher upstarts.

The troops had been placed there to unseat the uncivil and uncouth partisans, who roamed the unplowed fields and unpicked orchards, sowing unrest among the unplayed poker hands dealt from unstacked decks of cards. The troops uncovered some uncured hams, and unbaked biscuits. After unhitching the horses, they uncapped a bottle of unlicensed vino. The officers untied their shoes, unbuckled their belts, and unbuttoned their shirts; but were unwilling to unload their guns.

The United Unicorns (the unbeaten bowling team) unfurled the team flag, unwound the team banner, and paraded down the undraped and unadorned boulevard. The crowds were unfazed and unswayed by the march; preferring to be unsocial and unvocal toward the Unicorns. Underpaid Union underlings began unpacking some unusual substances that were unknown to the great unwashed. It was unethical to undertake an untested substance without the undersigned approval of Uncle Sam. His unadorned endorsement was necessary to keep unity from being undermined by uncivil forces.

It was uncanny how the unshaved and unsavory would try and undercut the upgrades underway, just because the untutored felt untouched by the unlimited reach of the executive powers. Universal Pictures introduced the use of unfettered unicycles with undersized wheels, which would qualify them as Omni unicycles. The unbounded joy from the masses eased the uncertainty that ran unchecked throughout the uncharted unlit streets.

Most citizens were unashamed about the unhappiness created by the undertow effect promoted by some unfrocked Unitarians. They remained undivided and unflapped as the underbelly of the plot unfolded; it’s unsightly core unveiled for all to see. A dozen roses unlocked the hearts of the unholy church leaders, while at the same time it unified the uniquely underachieving horde with solidarity.

Unsteady and untested at first, they marched unbowed toward Union headquarters. Their goal: to unblock and unglue the obstacles undermining unification; by uniting the unseen forces that had been unselfishly working unnoticed behind the scenes. This unsung force would unseal a power unknown and unlike anything the human race had ever known.

The enemy would be caught unaware and unarmed; their facilities unstaffed and their sentry posts unmanned. With unerring will, the force would unseat the unstable and unmanly enemy in their path. On unpaved roads, they would unload an uncoiled serpent that would unwind their firepower, and unleash a torrent of unlimited antitrust lawsuits, that will keep them occupied for years.

The launching of unsalted, unbasted turkeys by catapult, uncovered the unlawful weapons unloaded on the unaware citizens, unlucky enough to be in their path. Unnamed sources told FOX News about unequal unisex undies being shot from air guns toward an unwarned and unstable band of survivors. The situation was untenable; the Geneva Convention rules were invoked. We broke for tea.

The German battleship Bismarck was sunk on May 27, 1941.