(I rote this win I wuz a chile)

Their was going to be a wedding! The invitations had been scent, and the quire would sing special hims that wood be herd throughout the church. The preacher nose about reaching a hire power for the occasion, and staid up late to prey to certain idles for a sucksesfull seramonie. When the son rose the next morning, the bride side about a tare in her stocking; worrying weather to ware the whig or borrow something blew. Flour girl’s practiced there throes of pedals while walking down the isle. The bride told the groom to stop stairing at the cymbols and caste his ayes on her.

The wedding menu called for dear, stake, and foul; complimented by beats, beens, and ry bread. Bare, being out of season, was eliminated in favor of lam. Know one new witch coarse would be the favorite. The ladies were concerned about putting on wait, but the groom stepped in and said “Weight a minute, U don’t knead 2 paws about pounds! It’s a party! Rap the food and take it home.”He said, if you mist anything, pleas tell the mades to give yew extra bag”. The our had arrived to start serving licker to awl the guests in loo of the long ride home on root 45.

Bruce shouted allowed to the crews ships shef rite after leaving port, about having serial for breakfast. He wore his genes to the dining room, after doing lapse around the deck. His knows cawt the cent of bacon and eggs (with the yokes broken,) coming from the kitchen. The bacon was lien and the muscles were flexed; his pallet was pleased. Life was good! Stephanie entered with her high-heeled shoos, and made strait for the mane table, grabbing two quartz of cheep  whine to consume on her way to the bizarre.

Stephanie was dew for a lessen about ancient profits who rained rite before the wrest of civilization road horses. “Aisle wait right here,” she said, aweigh from the idol masses pact in the hall.” Stephanie had red stories about wheys to billed up personal income bye writing at knight. She rote tails about heroins who played the liar on street corners near the kerb. She had been bard from playing anywhere nere hear for reasons yule never understand. Her tale of whoa was a little week, considering the waist of talent and tacks revenue. She was a suite kid; short on thyme, but well bread and pieceful.

She and Bruce met at the airport. They both waived at the plains when they flu overhead. Weal meet hear for tee on Wednesday, they said, both counting the daze until there rendezvous. Heed been waiting fore ours for her to appear; it was Bruce’s plan to flea the town weather she came or knot. A weak ago Stephanie told him what’s watt, and tied a beau around his rist to marque the spot so he wood remember. She toll him sum crazy yarn about going in a salebote around the harbor. He considered it rood to shake flex of dandruff from his hare wile she was speaking, but did it anyway, witch ended there relationship rite on the spot forever!